S042 - Make nnUNets Small Again

Mattias P Heinrich

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Automatic high-quality segmentations have become ubiquitous in numerous downstream tasks of medical image analysis, i.e. shape-based pathology classification or semantically guided image registration. Public frameworks for 3D U-Nets provide numerous pre-trained models for nearly all anatomies in CT scans. Yet, the great generalisation comes at the cost of very heavy networks with millions of parameter and trillions of floating point operations for every single model in even larger ensembles. We present a novel combination of two orthogonal approaches to lower the computational (and environmental) burden of U-Nets: namely partial convolution and structural re-parameterization that tackle the intertwined challenges while keeping real world latency small.
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Schedule: Wednesday, July 12: Posters — 10:15–12:00 & 15:00–16:00
Poster location: W51